The Seven Golden Ages Of A Child

We would like to encourage you to think in terms of an overall plan for your Child’s Portrait History so you don't miss any of the important ages as time goes rushing by and your child grows up. Of course, we would like to make all of the portraits; but, regardless of that, you won't want to miss recording any of these "Seven Golden Ages of Childhood". They are:

6 Months

When the baby is alert and responsive, yet still looks like a baby.

1 Year

 When the permanent feature characteristics first begin to show future family likeness. Still a baby, but a robust, growing person.

2 Years

 As the language barrier is being broken and the child shows response to reason.

4 Years

 No doubt the cutest, most desirable age for both genders, when individuality has formed and added a permanent element of personality....a perfect age for a Wall Portrait.

8 Years

 The snaggly-tooth age ends and permanent teeth emerge to change the facial contours. A developing mind reveals a more mature, inquiring outlook.

12 Years

 Many times this is the forgotten age, photographically, when a child approaches the teen-age stage, and takes the first steps toward real independence.

17 Years

 High school graduation, as childhood ends and the mature adult shows signs of emerging.

These then, are the Seven Golden ages of Childhood...Once Upon a Lifetime...ages that most deserve to be captured through the Magic of Fine Photography. Think how much such a portrait record would mean to youngsters grown up.

There are many possibilities for enjoying these growing-up portraits. Wall portraits at a few of these ages are, of course, very nice. Smaller images may be used on bookshelves, sofa tables, multiple opening framed mats and as gifts. Another wonderful way to use, display and preserve this Photographic Heritage is in Albums. When you are in the studio, ask us about this gorgeous album with the child’s name for a collection of their photographs (including school-day pics, team group shots, activities and copies of the family group) beautifully displayed and preserved for their future, even to show their children.

An album like this is a wonderful place for grandparents to get involved in giving this as a gift (and maybe wanting a copy for themselves). Being grandparents ourselves, we have observed that in this day and age giving toy upon toy soon loses its appeal. Today's children are blessed with an abundant choice of playthings. This is a chance to give something they will have and be grateful for all their lives.
